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Body Pain Map: Which areas hurt the most for laser removal and PMU?

How much does it hurt to get tattoo removal, microneedling, or cosmetic tattoo? That depends on where on your body you are getting the treatment. Getting tattooed on certain parts of the body hurts worse than others, for a number of reasons. Our pain chart will help give you an idea of where the most sensitive places are and how much pain you can expect. We asked clients about the pain levels associated with various body parts. We share our body pain map and discuss the findings in this guide, so that you'll know what to expect from your upcoming treatment!

Cosmetic Tattoo, Laser Tattoo Removal and Microneedling Pain Chart

These tattoo pain charts offer a visual representation of where tattooing tends not to hurt the most and the least. Areas of the human body that have more nerve ending and bones that are closer together tend to feel less painful than areas with less nerve endings and bones that lie further apart.


Factors That Affect Pain

Getting tattooed, laser treatments, or microneedling  is likely to involve some pain, regardless of where you get the treatment done. No pain, no gain! Nevertheless, a number of factors determine the amount of pain you’ll experience. With any tattoo or treatment involving needling or working in the skin, the location can feel sore afterwards as well, because the skin is healing.

Following all appropriate aftercare guidelines will help avoid any complications like infection or inflammation, and help any discomfort or irritation to disappear as quickly as possible.

Age and Weight

The extra weight can make tattoo pain a little more severe, as it stretches out the skin more, making it more sensitive. Additionally, age can cause the skin to be more delicate. Skinny individuals might experience higher pain levels, as their bones have less padding.


During the procedure, the body releases endorphins to reduce the amount of pain experienced to some degree. Hormonal fluctuations can alleviate pain.


Those with prior tattoos, Microneedling, or permanent makeup  are more aware of what to expect, making the pain seem less difficult to handle. They may feel more at ease with their next treatments than with their first one, resulting in a better bodily response to discomfort. Your touch-up might be less painful than your initial appointment of the same spot.


Studies have shown that women suffer more intensely than men, which suggests that some women might experience a tattoo somewhat more painfully.

Professional Experience

The pain level can also be influenced by the professional that you choose. A more experienced provider may be more delicate when working on a more painful location, while a newer provider may have a harder hand, resulting in a more painful treatment!

Extent of Work Required

The amount of work being done on you will determine how much pain you experience. Removing a large, densely packed tattoo will be more painful than a carefully delineated one. Similarly, microneedling a larger area with more pronounced wrinkles or scar tissue will require longer, deeper treatments. In other words, needlework may cause greater pain in more complex treatments because they require more work.

The Most Sensitive Places On The Body 

Our body pain chart reveals that bonier areas of the body are often the most painful.

Advice for Reducing Treatment Pain

You can minimize your discomfort while getting a treatment by taking certain simple steps. Knowing what to do and what not to do will help you to minimize your pain. Our biggest recommendations are as follows:

Get sufficient sleep and rest.

Avoid alcohol for 24 hours before and after your appointment (and for one day after your appointment).

Choose someone with experience.

Do not eat a large, filling meal one to two hours before your appointment, however if you will be sitting for a long time, bring a snack with you to keep your blood sugar up.

Ask to break down your treatments into multiple sessions.

Stay hydrated before and after your tattoo.

To get the best results, adopt a healthy water drinking plan two weeks prior to your treatment.

Final Thoughts on Treatment Pain

As mentioned above some pain is inevitable when getting treatments involving needles or laser. If you want to reduce the level of discomfort you experience, you may want to manage your treatment options using the sensitive areas of the chart as a guideline. Alternatively, you may discuss with your provider about ways to reduce or manage discomfort during the treatment. Rest assured, your provider is skilled at keeping their clients comfortable even for the more sensitive areas such as eyeliner and lips.

How Painful is Laser Tattoo Removal?

Laser tattoo removal is more sensitive in certain areas of the body than others. It is less unpleasant than getting a treatment over some areas of the body, but much faster. Laser tattoo removal is much less painful than getting a tattoo—and much quicker as well! Each session lasts from a minute to several minutes, depending on the size of the tattoo, and some say that it's like getting snapped with a rubber band rather than having a needle poking at your skin. Avoiding alcohol and sun while staying hydrated will keep your skin from getting irritated after getting your tattoo removed, as with tattooing. Our providers at IVONNE are skilled at minimizing discomfort. To learn more about tattoo removal costs and other details, whether you are preparing for a cover-up or just want to get rid of your old ink, schedule a consultation with us!